SCAC commissions artists with county connections to create original works of art that challenge the artist in some way. Past commissions include The Hupman Brothers first CD, Bill Smith’s score for "Alice, the Musical" by Peter Oliver, the story “Five Square Miles” by Kathleen Tudor that was later published in book form and illustrated by local artist Lio Lo, poetry by Alex Pierce (opposite) and a mandolin by Russell Crosby, as well as three pieces for the Art Made of Garbage exhibition by Hayward Meisner, Timothy Gillespie and Alison Stanton. SCAC commissioned Hayward again, along with Darryl Swaine and Clifton Sears to build original musically themed art pieces to be installed on local walking trails. Jordan Falls painter Lio Lo created a group of paintings on the theme of 'morning light' which she exhibited in Shelburne and then in Halifax.